Storage OS Upgrades

Event Details

Start 1481176800
End 1481202000
Type Emergency
Status Completed
Outage Duration 0

Upgrading the OS on our storage arrays. There is no downtime expected. These are dual controller systems and one controller at a time will be updated while the other will be active.

Event Notes

Maintenance completed. No issues found.

Note made on 2016-12-08 09:02:54

Finished phase one on storage array #1, starting phase two.

Note made on 2016-12-08 07:20:15

storage array #2 has finished updates and health checks have passed. storage array #1 has started it's upgrades.

Note made on 2016-12-08 04:58:31

Health checks have passed. Updates will start with array #2, one controller at a time then to array #1, one controller at a time.

Note made on 2016-12-08 02:02:17

Early start is for prep work.

Note made on 2016-12-08 00:16:32

Additional maintenance is needed on array 1 before upgrades can proceed. This will require reboots of each controller. No downtime is expected for this.

Note made on 2016-12-07 14:40:13