
The MNSi maintenance tracking page allows you to view upcoming maintenance events that affect our services. We are providing this service as a way to keep our customers informed about events that may cause brief outages and allow them to plan around these events.

While we make every effort to keep our services running as smoothly as possible, issues do happen from time to time. Please take some time to review the terms of use of this site and your services with us.


Mailing List

You can subscribe to the read-only mailing list to get notifications about upcoming events. To subscribe to the mailing list you send an email to maintenance-request@mnsi.net. The subject should be blank and the body must only contain the word subscribe.

To un-subscribe to the mailing list you send an email to maintenance-request@mnsi.net. The subject should be blank and the body must only contain the word unsubscribe.

If you are having issues subscribing or un-subscribing to the mailing list please feel free to email MNSi Support

RSS Feed

The RSS Feed is another way to get updates about upcoming events. There are several RSS feed readers ( also called news aggregators ) available. To use the RSS feed, you will need the RSS link, http://mme.mnsi.net/event/rss, and a RSS reader.

On Windows OS, new versions of Internet Explorer and Windows Live Mail have a RSS reader built in. Mozilla Firerfox and Thunderbird also has a RSS reader built in. Google Chrome has a RSS extension that can read feeds

On Mac OS, Mail, Safari and iTunes have RSS reading support built in.

For mobile phones and tablets, check out the app market place for your device and see if there is a RSS reader available.

If any of the above solutions are not applicable to you, the list of RSS readers on Wikipedia may be able to help you find a RSS reader compatible with your system.

Please note that the MNSi support staff cannot help you with setting up your RSS reader.